Cleaning out nifty links I've been saving:
If you don't read Brandon Graham's blog you should. He has fantastic taste and insightful comments about comics. I was particularly struck by this bit in one of his posts:
For some reason BPRD feels to me like watching a good tv series. It might be the episodic breakdown of the thing and the multiple writers. One thing I noticed is Guy Davis panels almost read like tv.
(click image to make it bigger)
"I thought this scene where this old woman is talking through a child was done how you would see it on tv. --with the woman starting to say the words and the little girl finishing them--seperate panels seperate baloons. I photoshoped, on the right what i'd look like if both characters spoke through the same baloon, with 2 tails.

I like how a small tweak like that can effect how it reads.
I think the original lettering does make the old woman and the girl seem farther away."
Chris Schweizer is always posting some awesome shit on his blog. Here's a fantastic (illustrated!) post on avoiding tangents of all sorts.
And here is a short but useful post on how clothes drape from the always educational Gurney Journey blog.
Illustrator, cartoonist, and teacher Jillian Tamaki made a student FAQ page for her website. It's great! Go read it!
After Completing Habibi, Craig Thompson is now working on three books at once. That all ages one looks absolutely delicious.
And finally, Kate Beaton's Hark, a Vagrant! collection made it into Time's best 10 books of the year!
Have a good week all!