I've posted this every Halloween, I think....a page from the "Famous Artist's Course" where artist Stevan Dohanos talks about how he went about illustrating a "haunted house". I like it when artists talk through their process and reveal their thinking as they try to illustrate a specific point and tell a story in one image.
Also, if you're interested, I did these drawing as a craft project for my kid's elementary school. They needed drawings that could please a wide variety of ages - they had to be simple enough for kindergartners to color and cut out, as well as not scary or gross so as to not bother anyone's sensibilities. Hopefully the higher grades found them interesting as well.
Anyway, if you're having a Halloween party, or have kids that might enjoy them, I'll post them - they are sized to print out on regular 8 1/2 by 11 copier paper or card stock. They can be colored and then cut out and once you attach the limbs, viola! You've just wasted a bunch of time.
Kidding. Happy Halloween!!!