CalArts Talk pdf

UPDATE: Fixed the link (I think) this morning...let me know if it's still not working.

So I gave a talk tonight to Jim Hull's CalArts story class. Normally when I give talks I print out a giant handout for each student of all my talking points but I didn't this time in an effort to go green and save paper. But I promised the students I would upload a pdf file containing my handout so they could look at it digitally or print it out for themselves. So if you were there last night you can download the pdf here.

Also if you weren't there feel free to download the file...but it may not be as clear or as entertaining as watching me stumble through each topic and expand on each point with long, loopy and pointless stories, asides and anecdotes. Mostly this material is stuff I've posted and blogged about before, so it's nothing that new - it covers some basic staging stuff and "The First Things You Forget" (formerly known as "A Kick In the Head"). Also it contains Glen Keane's handout on drawing three dimensionally.

I talked a bit to the class about how the Feature Story Process actually works so I'll share that stuff soon too.

Let me know if the pdf link doesn't work!