Scanning Series Part 1: Get an external hard drive.
No, really, if you don't have one, go get one right now. Don't even think of reading next week's entry or any of the rest in the series until you've gotten one.
You'll thank me later, believe me. I have friends who got their external hard drive days before a catastrophic computer failure that would have lost years of work they would have had no way of getting back. I also have friends who lost months of work forever because they didn't have one, or didn't use it.
If you can afford it, buy 2, or use a web-based service on top of the external. External hard drives corrupt and fail too. If you don't have a way to protect your files, you have no business scanning them.
Go. I'd better not see you back here until you have one.
Oh, and check out this nifty little suitcase I bought on the street to hold my originals while traveling! Isn't it just darling? I have some travel announcements forthcoming about my speaking at SCAD's Atlanta campus in late October. My first Comic Tools speaking gig! Woo!