Taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming to mention some worthwhile endeavors:
The comic book put out by Disney artists last year called "What is Torch Tiger?" was nominated for an Eisner award this year and Disney artist Nathan Greno was nominated for an individual Eisner for his story. This year there won't be an installment from the Disney Story Artists but luckily the Visual Development department has picked up the slack. Coming in July is their anthology called "PecknPaw and the Black Mirror". Click
here to visit their group blog. Can't wait to see it!
Also worth mentioning is the Suspended Animation Gallery, started by former Disney staffer Tenny Chonin. She sells the personal artwork of several Disney artists, including Disney legend Walt Peregoy. Check it out
here. Disney animator Pres Romanillos has suffered a relapse of leukemia. There is a site
here where you can view artwork that is to be auctioned off to help raise money for his care. Check it out!