That's right, kids, ten of your favorite ACTION PHILOSOPHERS -- Plato, Nietzsche, Marx, Ayn Rand and more -- will be brought to insanely hilarious life at the Brick Theater in Williamsburg, Brooklyn this June as part of the Comic Book Theater Festival! The adaptation is by award-winning playwright (& Mrs. Fred Van Lente) Crystal Skillman with manic direction by her HACK! collaborator director John Hurley, with many of the same fine, funny performers.
The just-announced dates and times of the four performances are:
Sun 6/12, 6pm
Tue 6/21, 8:45pm
Thu 6/23, 7pm
Fri 7/1, 7pm
UPDATED, April 20: Tickets are just $15 and ON SALE NOW! Order from the Comic Book Theatre Festival main page and check out the festival's other great shows.