Now that AWESOME: The Indie Spinner Rack Anthology has premiered -- and special thanks to our pals Alex and Mary for hosting our launch party at Brooklyn's Rocketship and making it such a spectacular success -- Ryan and Fred can get to work to finishing the first issue of their follow-up project to AP, COMIC BOOK COMICS, the irreverent but definitive history of manga, comics and graphic novels in comic book form. (AWESOME, of course, finds the very first [albeit stand-alone] CBC installment...pick yours up at your local comic book store or the ISR gang themselves immediately if not sooner!)
We're happy to report that the boys are working hard, with Fred putting the final touches on the #2 script while Ryan is furiously finishing the art for #1 in time for the planned March '08 release date. And with the entire Van Lente and Dunlavey clans in the Washington, DC area to premiere AWESOME at this year's Small Press Expo, we made a field trip to the National Gallery of Art, where CBC subject Roy Lichtenstein donated much of his stuff. And art.
As you can see folks, Evil Twin Comics spares no expense researching our comedy non-fiction comics, as long as the research is personally convenient to us. The photo at right depicts ETC founder and resident pop artist Ryan Dunlavey (pictured with baby) with "Look Mickey", Lichtenstein's first piece of pop art.