Released November 2007 it's the Indonesian translation of Action Philosophers: Filsuf Jagoan! I think I like their cover design better than ours. Eventually all three volumes will see publication in Indonesian. There is also a Brazilian edition in the works, not sure of the release date. Could an Esperanto version be far behind?
you can discover your new favorite mini comic and get to know the artist personally.
We're Huge in Jakarta!
Released November 2007 it's the Indonesian translation of Action Philosophers: Filsuf Jagoan! I think I like their cover design better than ours. Eventually all three volumes will see publication in Indonesian. There is also a Brazilian edition in the works, not sure of the release date. Could an Esperanto version be far behind?
AP Vol. 3 TPB @ the printers!
Action Philosophers Giant-Size Thing Vol. 3 went to the printers this morning! Yay. This is later than we had hoped, but Ryan suffered a crippling computer crash that required us to redo a lot of the files. But we're back on track, and our final (inexpensive!) collection, this one of AP #7-9, should be hitting comics shops toward the end of November or early December, and will be available on this site not long thereafter. For those of you who absolutely can't wait, single issues of AP #9: the Lightning Round are still available, heh heh...
COMIC BOOK COMICS marches onward!
Now that AWESOME: The Indie Spinner Rack Anthology has premiered -- and special thanks to our pals Alex and Mary for hosting our launch party at Brooklyn's Rocketship and making it such a spectacular success -- Ryan and Fred can get to work to finishing the first issue of their follow-up project to AP, COMIC BOOK COMICS, the irreverent but definitive history of manga, comics and graphic novels in comic book form. (AWESOME, of course, finds the very first [albeit stand-alone] CBC installment...pick yours up at your local comic book store or the ISR gang themselves immediately if not sooner!)
We're happy to report that the boys are working hard, with Fred putting the final touches on the #2 script while Ryan is furiously finishing the art for #1 in time for the planned March '08 release date. And with the entire Van Lente and Dunlavey clans in the Washington, DC area to premiere AWESOME at this year's Small Press Expo, we made a field trip to the National Gallery of Art, where CBC subject Roy Lichtenstein donated much of his stuff. And art.
As you can see folks, Evil Twin Comics spares no expense researching our comedy non-fiction comics, as long as the research is personally convenient to us. The photo at right depicts ETC founder and resident pop artist Ryan Dunlavey (pictured with baby) with "Look Mickey", Lichtenstein's first piece of pop art.
Fill your life with AWESOME @ ROCKETSHIP Oct. 19!
AWESOME: The Indie Spinner Rack Anthology is on schedule to rock your world in comics stores everywhere October 17. This Friday, October 19 at 8:00pm, head on over to Rocketship, Brooklyn's premiere purveyor of funnybooks, for the official AWESOME book lunch party (directions and details at this link)! There will booze, dozens of the contributors (including ETC's Fred and Ryan), and we can almost guarantee that at least once, before the night is over, someone will take his shirt off. (We're looking at you, Charlito.)
You can also preview the book and get ordering information off the official AWESOME web site.
And remember -- AWESOME contains the first installment of the new ETC series, COMIC BOOK COMICS, which gives the AP treatment to the history of graphic novels, manga and comics!
AP #9: THE LIGHTNING ROUND goes on-sale 9/6!
We weren't sure about this until last night, when Fred appeared at NYC's live Comic Book Club (which was great fun, by the way -- thanks to Alex, Justin and Pete for having him to talk Super-Villain Team-Up), but at long last, the climactic issue of AP, #9: The Lightning Round hits comics stores this Thursday, September 6! (New comics come out on Thursday instead of Wednesday this week because of the Labor Day holiday.)
UPDATED! (x2) Our pals at Comic Book Resources did a great Action Philosophers Exit Interview with Fred and Ryan about this issue, with a preview of the issue too -- They posted the Fred interview here, and Ryan's pearls of wisdom can be found here!
UPDATED! (x3) We put this issue on sale here at the site starting now!
This book is AWESOME!
AWESOME: THE INDY SPINNER RACK ANTHOLOGY, that is. Evil Twin Comics is proud to be publishing this collection of new comics from some of the hottest indy creators around (as well as some select up-and-comers), co-edited by ETC founder Ryan Dunlavey and the hosts of the Indie Spinner Rack podcast, Charlito and Mr. Phil. All net profits for the book benefit the non-profit ISR 'cast and will go to help establishing a scholarship to Vermont's Center for Cartoon Studies. Best of all, it features the world-premiere of Fred and Ryan's follow-up to Action Philosophers: Comic Book Comics! It's two worthy causes and dozens of awesome comics creators wrapped up into one attractive 205-page package, premiering in October at finer comics shops everywhere and at this year's Small Press Expo! Preview the book for free at the official web site, or, better yet, show your support for ISR and CCS by pre-ordering the book NOW from our pals at the Discount Comic Book Service!
Visit AP @ San Diego Comic Con -- Sort of!
Well, Ryan and Fred did not get a table at SDCC like they were hoping, but Fred Van Lente will be heading out to North America's premiere geek showcase nonetheless. To promote his Jul. 18-debuting series Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK's 11 he'll be signing at the MARVEL COMICS booth from noon to 1pm on Friday, July 27, so drop by, say hi, bring copies of ACTION PHILOSOPHERS for him to sign ... just promise not to throw stuff at him.
Visit AP @ the MoCCA Arts Festival & ALA!
It's a busy convention weekend for Ryan and Fred -- first up, come visit the ActPhilo booth at the MoCCA Art Festival Saturday June 23 and Sunday June 24 at New York City's Puck Building. The Evil Twins will have their usual array of comics, t-shirts, prints and bad humor available. (They will both have just attended a bachelor party the night before though, so if you could keep your voices down they'd appreciate it.)
Then on Monday, Fred will be hopping the train to Washington DC and this year's American Library Association convention. He'll be signing at the booth of our redoubtable book distributor, Biblio beginning at 12:30pm on Monday June 25, so if you're there, stop and by and say howdy!
Own a piece of Philosophy history!
I am happy to announce that I am now selling my original artwork from ACTION PHILOSOPHERS on! All art can be easily and immediately purchased with a credit card via Paypal. Most pages cost only 30 bucks (some even cost less), and shipping is totally FREE! I've already sold the entire "John Stuart Mill" story within an hour of posting it for sale- so the rest of these pages could go fast.
Thanks for your attention,
Ryan D
Click here to view my original art sales gallery.
AP #9: THE LIGHTNING ROUND available for pre-order!
Fred and Ryan are going out with a bang, cramming as many thinkers as they can into the final issue of their award-winning series! It ships in July, but those of you who pre-order your funny books should be sure to jot it down on the ol' order form (Diamond Order code: MAY07 3442). Read the press release announcing and explaining ACTION PHILOSOPHERS' conclusion here.
Ryan & Fred COMIC GEEK SPEAK about the end of AP!
FVL & COMIC BOOK COMICS @ Kids Comic Con!, 4/28
Listen to Ryan & Fred on INDIE COMICS NEWS!
Definitely one of our best podcasts ever, as we give you the Secret Origin of the Action Philosophers team -- and tell you about the future of Evil Twin Comics, post-Action Philosophers! Give it a listen already! Whoever spots the part where Fred knocks a big magnet off the fridge wins a special prize.
AP #8 on sale ON-LINE !
That's right, kids, the SENSELESS VIOLENCE SPECTACULAR, starring Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer and "You're A Good Man John Stuart Mill" (which you can read in its entirety below) is now on sale right here at the Action Philosophers on-line store. So make with clicky and order your asses off!!
Exclusive AP #8 Preview at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES!
AP #8: SENSELESS VIOLENCE SPECTACULAR doesn't go on sale until a week from now at the New York Comic Con (see the next news story below), but thanks to our pals at Comic Book Resources, you can read one of the stories, "You're A Good Man, John Stuart Mill", for free on-line right now! SO MAKE WITH THE CLICKY ALREADY!!!
Fred & Ryan appearing at NEW YORK COMIC CON!
Action Philosophers' creators will be making our second annual appearance at the second annual NEW YORK COMIC CON from February 23 to 25, 2007. Come say howdy at table A243 upstairs in Artist's Alley, and they'll be more than happy to sign your brand-spankin' new copy of ACTION PHILOSOPHERS #8: SENSELESS VIOLENCE SPECTACULAR which goes on sale for the very first time at NYCC!
VOTE for AP to win an EAGLE AWARD!
The fine folks who run the Eagle Awards, Britain's highest comics honors, have nominated Action Philosophers Giant-Size Thing Vol. 1 to be nominated for an award in the "Favourite Reprint Compilation" category.
Yes, I know, British people can't spell worth a damn. But their accents are so adorable aren't they? And wouldn't you want them to honor Action Philosophers. I know I would. So please go to the Eagle Awards 2006 web site and vote for us to be nominated. I did!
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